
Thursday, November 4, 2010

This blog will be full of errors some technical, but most will be social ones. If for some reason you choose to take offense with my ramblings please keep it to yourself and if we live in the same town or cross each others path, I ask that you don't confront me since there is a good chance I may cry. I don't handle criticism or rejection very well. That being said, most of the time I will make little to no sense, but on occasion I will be brilliant. Feel free to stick around to witness those moments.


  1. I will stick around because I KNOW you can and will be brilliant. Lord, knows the pressure you feel to be brilliant for the both of us!

  2. I LOVE that there is another person in the world just like me- someone else that "gets" how 2-sided Lysol wipes ARE something to rave about. I'm anxiously awaiting your next one, and you know, if you had a DECENT editor, there'd be no need to worry about technical errors. :)
    I can't wait until our next call-thanks for everything in tonight's.
    I miss you- B

  3. When I finally turn all this into a book, you are hired. It was nice talking to you too, good to know that we will be dear friends for life.

  4. I am "chad" no more. I do believe your blog will be the death of me through technological stress!

  5. Tansy, I've joined the ranks of your faithful followers. Now do I get a free house cleaning out of the deal? Can't wait to see where your ramblings take us ;).

    From what I can tell....your Sundays must be good hygene day ;)...every time I see you, you seem to have passed over the sweats for something very classy and presentable, the hair is neatly done and the makeup in place~ I'm waiting to see that real you, you seem to be hiding ;).

  6. Stick around Jessica, she shows up periodically.


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