
Monday, November 29, 2010

All is Fair in Love and War

I have started and erased three different ideas tonight.  Nothing sounds right to me.  I must still be sick of my own voice.  As I am typing, my husband is trying to figure out how to keep his Clark Griswold trees from blowing the circuit and consequently locking up the garage door and stopping the basement pump from, well, pumping.  The brilliant electrician ran all of our outdoor plugs on one circuit.  I'm being serious, he was probably a brilliant man. However, even he could not have anticipated someone, a.k.a my husband, lighting up five evergreens with 5000 sparkly lights.  Anyway, this is our great dilemma for the evening. 

The boys are running around having warfare with the next door neighbor. I know this will not end well; it never does.  Soon the cries of injustice will be heard all through the house.  I don't think they have yet learned that all is fair in love and war.  I guess if I were being honest, I would have to say that I don't think I have learned that one myself.

  At this moment I am trying to imagine a world where anytime there was an infraction or wrong done against us, we just went, "Eh, it's all fair."  Stuff would still happen, but we wouldn't get so ticked off with each other.  If we were never ticked off, then we couldn't become angry, and with out anger what would we fight about?  Not much really.  I mean the obvious things would still be there to have altercations over, things like power and money.  But, I like to hope that we would be a bit more polite about it.   Kind of like when my kids play soccer and we are encouraged to cheer for everyone, even the other team and then at the end all the players have to line up and say good job, over and over again, to each other.  Could you imagine during WWII, the Japanese saying, "Wow! Great job on that Atomic bomb thing; we just didn't see it coming.  Kudos to you guys."  Just something to think on or not, it's your choice.

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